Top 5 Money Making Hair Extension Techniques
With the growth of Hair Extensions let us examine the most profitable techniques for your mobile business or Salon
We have seen the hair extension market grow over the past 15 years, now there are more hair extension techniques than ever before and it can be confusing to decide which is the right one for your business or for your clients.
If you are thinking of becoming a qualified technician, it is important to consider how potential clients might make their decision. Some people will make a decision based on their budget, others on their hair type and life style, some on what their friends recommended. Whilst these points are interesting, it is important for you to consider techniques that will service your clients and keep them coming back.
Here are just a few tips to help with your decision making process.
1. Wigs: Wigs are a quick and easy way to give a client a quick makeover. What you need to bear in mind is that the cheaper the wig the more un-natural it will look. If you have a client with special needs then it might be possible to make at least 28% profit. We know that the internet has changed a lot of shopping habits and clients can sources their own wigs on line or in some of the high street hair supplier shops for as little as £25.00. Sourcing or even making a custom wig for a client is an alternate route and they will pay between £220 – £600 for a good quality wig which could last for up to 12 months. MAKING WIG 4HOURS, INSTALLATION 1 HOUR – NOT PROFITABLE
2. Hair Pieces: There are lots of different hair pieces from pony tails to rear hair attachments in all different shades, curly, straight or plaits. There are also specialist hair pieces for thinning hair that can help disguise any thinning hair problems. The thing to bear in mind is that hair pieces are not often very secure and could make a client feel a little self concious. Some of the ponytail pieces can be securely fixed, for a temporary look. INSTALLATION 45 MINS. NOT PROFITABLE
3. Integrated Weaves: This is when wefts of hair is sewn onto a fine cornrow which is then hide by the bulk of your hair on top. It is a popular technique because if done correctly it can look very natural and offer up a robust and secure hair enhancement solution. If the client looks after the hair they can reuse it when they get it re-tightened. Clients could pay between £190 – £430 for the integrated weave and £60 – £120 for a retighten every 8 weeks. INSTALLATION 2 HOURS – RETIGHTEN 1 HOUR – VERY PROFITABLE
4. Pre-tips: This is small pieces of hair that have been pre bonded together. They can be added in sections all over the head to aid thickening, give the impression of highlights or lowlight and length. Pre-tips can be applied using heat, micro rings or even small elastic bands. Be aware that they have to be professionally removed so as not to damage your own hair. Client could pay between £160 – £500 for installation. Retighten every 10 – 12 weeks can be expensive as it involves removing and reapplying (sometimes new hair) £55 per hour. MAKING PRE-TIPS 1 HOUR – INSTALLATION 2 HOURS – RETIGHTEN – 4 HOURS – SLIGHTLY PROFITABLE
5. Strand by Strand (glue gun): This is when hot bond heated up in a glue gun is used to bond small sections of hair to the recipients own hair. It was a very popular technique in 6 years ago, but requires professional application and removal by a qualified technician. Can give the appearance of flyaway hair that client could somewhat run their fingers through. It is a very time consuming technique and is much better for a long term wear over 3-4 months. Clients could pay anything between £400 – £2100. INSTALLATION – UPTO 5 HOURS – RETIGHTEN – 6 HOURS – MODERATELY PROFITABLE.
6) Clip in hair extensions: These are now very popular. They are best used for lengthening mid should length hair. If the hair is shorter they don’t sit very well because they can be a little bulky in appearance. They don’t offer up much security unless they have been professionally fitted. This is when a very small cornrow is done and the clips are slipped through for much added security. Great for an evening occasion but not advisable for long term wear. Clients can now buy these themselves or even make them from purchasing wefted hair. NOT PROFITABLE
7) Net Weave: This technique is used when the client wants to partially extend just a section of their hair or if the client suffers from patchy alopecia. This technique is suitable for 2-4 months wear. Clients can expect to pay between £190 – £500 INSTALLATION 3 HOURS – RETIGHTEN 4 HOURS. PROFITABLE
Hook and Latch: This technique does not use any glues or threads. It is a beautiful technique, flat to the touch and hair could be worn up. It works well with shorter hair especially the Micro ring track technique. Clients can expect to pay between £160 – £550. INSTALLATION 2 HOURS, RETIHTEN 1 HOUR – VERY PROFITABLE
9) Lace Wigs: Lace wigs have become very popular. They are really good for girls with short thin hair, damaged hair, hair damaged by medication or cancer. they can be used for hair that needs a rest or a complete makeover for a client who does not want to use chemicals. Top celebrities have made them really popular and you can see why from the video testimonial below. See Radio TV presenters new lace wig
Clients can expect to pay anywhere between £400 – £3000 (included the Lace wig) If the clients looks after the hair the lace wig could last up to 6 months. INSTALLATION 3 HOURS – REFIT 2 HOURS – PROFITABLE
10) Braides and Plaits: Braides and Plaits have been around for hundreds of years. A technique that can look very simple or quite exotic. Braids can be worn for a number of months until the hair grows out, they can even have beads added to the end for that extra special look. Clients can expect to pay from £90 – £400. INSTALLATION UPTO 5 HOURS – RETIGHTEN – 7 HOURS – NOT PROFITABLE
Hair Loss Specialists One of the up and coming growth sector is the Non Surgical Hair Enhancement using Hair Extensions. For now you can download a training course Catalogue which will go into more details about the different hair enhancement techniques.